Provision for serrate hostel for boys & girls has been made. Arrangement for girls hostel has been made within the campus itself. The college has a neat and well furnished Girls Hostel within the campus sufficient to accommodate 150 girls’ students at a time
The Boarders have to follow the following code of conduct:
- The mess arrangement shall be on the co-operative basic among the boarders themselves. A whole time cooking & conservancy staff however has been provided by the College management.
- No boarder can leave hostel without the permission of Head of the Institution.
- No boarder can leave hostel even on any Sunday or Holiday unless permitted by the Head of the Institution.
- All boarders have to furnish the particulars of their immediate local guardian.
- No outsider will be allowed to stay in the hostel at night. Extreme cases will be considered by the management on gravity of the situation.
- The boarders will not host any party or function in the hostel without the permission of the Chairman. All such function will be help in the presence of warden.
- The boarder will not cause any damage to the building and furniture of the hostel.In the events of any damage, they have to bear the cost & repair expenses

Seperate Girls & Boys Hostel